Our basic Message Taking service is the ideal service for businesses who want calls answered in a timely and professional manner. We answer in your company name, take the callers details then email you over a message allowing you to follow up when you get a chance. Along with email messages we can also send text messages through.
Enter your email below to get started
By using our message taking service you are creating a professional image for your company by letting your customers speak to a live person rather than an answerphone machine. Our telephone answering service is based in the UK and we never outsource meaning the voice of your company is familiar and local. We like to think of ourselves as an extension of your business. Unlike other providers we are not a large call centre. You will be issued with a small team, allowing your clients to build a rapport with the same friendly voices each time they call.
Once signed up we provide you with a telephone number. You can either advertise this number, or if you already have a business number simply divert the calls through to us as and when you need us to answer
With our call answering service we will answer calls in your company name and advise the caller that you will give them a call back. However our service is flexible so you can amend the script and how we deal with the calls.
All our plans are month-to-month so you are never tied into long term contracts. In addition we don’t charge for sales calls, wrong numbers, or calls under 20 seconds.
Most customers prefer us advising any calls that they are out of the office at the moment and we take a message. We can then email the message (free), text (10p) or transfer the call through (from 12p per minute).
Free set-up
Cancel at anytime
Free telephone number
No long terms contracts
No charge for sales calls
No charge for wrong numbers
Messages passed by:
Email = Free
Text = 10p
Call Transfer = 12p per minute to landlines & 24p per minute to mobiles
Additional telephone numbers = £5 per number per month
Fax number = £5 per number per month
Voicemail £10 per month
Personalised Voicemail = £10 setup fee then £10 per month
Enter your email below to get started